
New! Schedule board and create reservation activated in the beta.

Written by Roel Masselink | 13 juni 2022 13:58:02 Z

The past two weeks we have been working on the reservation management in the Beta. You are now able to adjust most of the things like duration, accommodation place and status. With this, we could add some great features.

Create reservation



We have redesigned the create reservation popup. With more visual feedback about the available places and prices. When you open the accommodations, you'll see a price per accommodation. If there is no availability, you also see why there is none, are there no prices in the system or is there no stock available. Also we have integrated the pricegrid, so you are able to find available prices very easily.

Schedule board

We have added quite some features to the schedule board. You are now able to block a period very quickly, just select the period and hit the block button and you are done!

Also most of the drag and drop features are activated now. Like extend a reservation, move it and drag it to another accommodation very easily!

Bulk updates

Check everyone out at once, or cancel a group of reservations with one click? It is now possible with bulk updates. you can select one or more reservations in a list and perform a bulk update. (The bulk e-mail function we are still testing with.)

Reports: Check the reservations on a map!

We have also added some new reports. Like a visual representation where your reservations are coming from on a map.

All new reports:

  1. Map with reservations
  2. Best performing places
  3. Top accommodations

Question! How can we make prices easier to setup? Let us know!

We will start this week to implement the prices setup into the Beta. As this is one of the more complex topics, we would like to hear your ideas about this. Things we are considering now are:

Visual representation of the availability, arrival/departure dates, minimum stay in the overview.
One price (Rate) can be connected to multiple accommodations. Revisions.. Check how the price was the previous period. Also add this price to a reservation with a recalculation. Bulk updates, copy, paste and duplicate, Easier exchange with third parties like

Ideas? Let us know on