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Check-in guests faster with our brand new Kiosk!


After a long trip, guests don't like to wait in line to check-in. Giving them the opportunity to check-in themselves saves you time and the guest can start their holiday sooner.

Or even go a step further,  a reception less property. The Kiosk makes it possible. With connections to our license plate API and Codes API you can automate the whole process.

And all of this, without extra costs. The first kiosk is included in the premium subscription :-D What about expensive hardware? No need for that! You can Do It Yourself with a pin terminal, iPad and an hour of work. Or you can contact one of our hardware partners so they can make you an offer for a total solution.

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More Platform updates

Workflow updates

You can now add a reservation status condition and update in the workflows. This can be used in multiple use cases. Like auto check-out on after departure day.  Or automatically cancel online reservations without deposit.

The timer now has the option to work in  minutes, hours and days. So you are even more flexible when the next action will be triggered.

Payment links

Sometimes you just want to send a link with a payment to your customer without having to make a reservation. This is now easy to do with payment links. Wondering how they work? Check:

Calculated rates

Update all your prices with one click? That's possible! With calculated rates you are able to add a percentage or fixed fee to an existing rate. Ideal if your comfort pitch is 30% more expensive than your normal pitch. Or you want to charge 20% on

Chain management

Are you operating a chain? We have great news, it's now possible to do even more on group level. Like setting rates to all your campsites at once, create group products, tags, discounts, tax and options.

Codes API (BETA)

You need codes for everything! Like a door lock or a kiosk access code. With our code API you can automate your code process, just as easy as it sounds. Generating a code can be done by the workflows.

Guestpage energy measurements

Show your guests how much energy they used during their stay. Just enable the energy measurements for guests and your guest can track their usage and they will not be suprised by the energy bill.

Product price conditions

You can now easily make a product more expensive in the summer than the winter. Due to the new price conditions at product level.